Welcome to my personal academic pages!

Hi, I am Yong Zhang, currently working as an Assistant Professor at School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics at Tongji University. I was supported by the Chenguang Program of Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. As the Principal Investigator (PI), I am leading two projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prior to joining Tongji, I worked as a post-doc researcher in the group lead by Professor Jie Wang. Before that, I obtained my doctoral degree in Mechanics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, under the supervision of Professor Pizhong Qiao I got my bachelor’s degree at School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation at Beihang University.

My main research interests lie in the functional and failure behaviors of smart/composite materials as well as the corresponding computational models and methods, specifically including

  • Peridynamics theories and methods for fracture of solids;
  • Phase field modeling for microstructure evolution (crack propagation, dielectric breakdown, dendrite growth, ferroelectric domain switching et. al.);
  • Functional and failure behaviors of smart/composite materials in multiphysics environment;
  • Application of artificial intelligence methods for material functional and failure behaviors.

For more information please find my CV here.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for potential communication and collaboration.

I am also looking for motivated master students. So if you are interested in my research and would like to work with me, please also feel free to reach out!

My email address: yong_zhang@tongji.edu.cn.